Featured News
In the Shadow of War is now available to rent and purchase on VIMEO ON DEMAND. Check it out!
Kickstarter perks being sent out this week!
We have been receiving powerful responses from people who have watch the film on TV... Thank you for all the messages!
Latest message from Harris in Sweden..
"I just saw In the Shadow of War on public Swedish national TV and it was so, so, so good and obviously very sad. Poor Elvis... Well, poor all-of-them. Seriously writing this with tears in my eyes.
I was born in B&H in 1991 but we luckily fled to Sweden in 1992. I'll get my family and (Swedish) girlfriend to watch it tomorrow, I promise. Thank you so, so much for making this! Very unique story."
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Wow. History should serve as a reminder to us all. https://t.co/0hB9Qc0dDD
RT @lou_reuters: #Bosnia #Serbs defy top court ruling by celebrating Statehood Day https://t.co/fvlfdSHi7J
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RT @bancroftian: On #Dayton anniversary, vital to recall impacts of war on young generation. Recommend @InShadowofWar for voices of the forgotten. #Bosnia
RT @ScottSistersDoc: @InShadowofWar north America premiere @stlawrencefilm this October ! http://t.co/lUSqKJQ1Ql
"Listen to us", writes a Syrian refugee from Germany. #refugeeswelcome https://t.co/OtkDtAJjaH